Anyone living in the park, whether by purchase, sublet, rental or move in with an existing resident must submit an application for residency and have it approved by the park manager prior to moving in. People without an approved application are not allowed to live in the park.
2. Rent payments are due on the first day of each month. Those received in our office after the tenth (10th) of the month will be assessed a 3% late charge. If you fail to pay the rent by the last day of the month you will be subject to eviction. If we bring an eviction proceeding against you and you subsequently pay your past due amount you must also pay any allowable attorney and court awarded costs we incur.
3. Being a good neighbor is very important. Everyone is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their home. With this in mind we have the following rules:
At no time should anything producing excessive volume levels be used.
Each resident is responsible for the actions of all residents of the home and their guests.
No businesses may operate in the park unless expressly approved by the park manager.
4. We want the park to be an attractive, safe and pleasant place to live. To help ensure this we have the following rules:
Any construction work must receive prior approval from the park manager. This includes porches, awnings, steps, fences, sheds, etc. If a building permit is required it is the responsibility of the homeowner to obtain one.
Lots must be maintained in an attractive, uncluttered manner. There should be no miscellaneous items anywhere on the lawn.
Campers, boats and other large items cannot be stored on your lot.
The exterior of the home and all attachments, outbuildings and fences must be clean, well maintained and attractive. They should be free of rust, dirt, broken doors or windows, etc. Fences must be maintained in original condition.
Please make sure all skirting is in good repair (i.e. no holes, cracks, gaps)
All lawns must be mowed and trimmed. If the lawn gets to be 3” high, please mow it.
All water lines must be equipped with heat tape and insulation to prevent freeze ups. Heat tape should extend into the barrel to the point of the parks shut-off. If you experience a water leak you must inform us immediately.
All hoses must be removed from spigots in the winter. All hose bibs must have a backflow preventer.
Please take care not to flush anything down the septic system that it is not meant to handle. This includes sanitary products of all kinds, including baby wipes.
Homeowners are allowed one (1) smaller breed, under 25 pounds, non-aggressive dog. If you currently have a dog, please return the enclosed pet census form. The dog’s name and breed must be on file with the park manager. All dogs must be licensed. Any dog that causes a nuisance of any kind must be removed from the park. You must clean up after your pet anywhere in the park, including your own lot. All pets must be under the complete control of their owners at all times. No dog sitting is allowed. Violators may face eviction.
All cats must be on a leash when outside.
No unregistered vehicles can be kept at the park. This includes cars under repair, demolition derby cars, etc.
No vehicles can be brought in to the park to be repaired or modified. If you work on your own car it is your responsibility to contain all fluids and dispose of them properly. Spills are the responsibility of the homeowner.
All homes must use natural gas or propane as a fuel source. We do not allow fuel tanks on the property.
The speed limit on park roads is 5 MPH.
No parking is allowed on the lawn.
Please do not park on any portion of the medians. You are subject to towing at your expense. Do not drive across the medians.
Only fire pits with a top and designed for that purpose may be used. No open fires are allowed.
Only kiddie pools no deeper than 18” and no wider than 8’ are allowed.
Any homes that are not maintained in accordance with the park rules are subject to eviction.
Please don’t cut through other resident’s lots.
22. No homes in the park may be held for the sole purpose of rental unless it is approved in writing by the park manager.